1. Superheat_Subcooling:
_ Close both two ports of the gauge
_ Hook up both sides with two hoses (Blue_Red) to ports and two thermocouples (>= 6 " to Comp for SH, close to port as possible bween TXV for SC) to lines
_ Turn on the unit; keep closed both sides of gauge, to have SH and SC
2. Charging for R410A & R22: ;
Unit with TXV, use Subcooling:
_ Locate unit required SC at the nameplate or literature (Typical 8-12 F)
_ Required SC - LSAT = Required liquid line T
* Liquid line T measured > Required liquid line T => add freon (short of freon=> not release heat=> too hot liquid line
* Liquid line T measured < Required liquid line T => remove freon
Unit without TXV, use Superheat chart or :
_ Measure IDWB, ODDB
_ Locate required SH from chart
_ Required SH + VSAT = Required suction line T
* Suction line T measured > Required suction line T => add freon (short freon, absorb too much heat=> hotter suction line
* Suction line T measured < Required suction line T => remove freon
*R410a - charge with liquid refrigerant to the suction side using "liquid charger" pn# 41123
*R314a should be charged in liquid (up side down the tank).(<=0.4 oz for commercial/home refrigerator)
3. Check leak with N2 when the system emptied
_ Yellow hose (middle) -> N2 gauge tank
_ Blue line -> low side only
_ Close tightly both ports of manifold (Blue and Red)
_ Open the blue port
_ Purge, Release N2 to reach around 150_200 Psig, close and hold N2 at the pressure for 10 mns
_ Leak detector, Bubble soap applied to check suspected points
4. Vacuum (3 times)
_ Remove cores if possible
_ Hook up to hoses to both sides of the unit; and Yellow hose-> vacuum machine
_ Open both ports at the manifold; and slowly release refrigerant from yellow hose until pressure down to 0.
_ Tightly close yellow hose to manifold
_Turn on the vacuum machine, turn on vacuum switch on machine, open two ports at the gauge
* Pull 1st vacuum 1000 microns, (take around 15mns).
_Close three hoses, turn off switch, turn off machine
_Hook up Yellow hose to N2 tank, break N2 high side
_ Pull 2nd to 750 microns for both side, break N2 low side
* Pull final VAC 500 microns
_ Close all hoses, close switch, turn off machine.
_ Charge refrigerant into high side: the tank of refrigerant turned a few times and put up side down to charge around 80% amount of liquid or until it not moving into the high side. Note: purge the yellow hose (charge hose) to prevent air getting into the system.
_ Turn on system and check SH/SC and charge (up side up the tank) refrigerator to low side now if needed
5. Pump down:
_ Hook up the gauge to both sides
_ Remove low side and high side service valve caps
_ Close high side at service valve, open low side
_ Turn on the unit
_ Follow the gauge until pressure in the low side hit zero quickly close the service valve (suction valve), kill the power .
_ After do the job on low side, close yellow hose, open both sides, the liquid will balance pressure both sides.
6. Recovery:
_ Vacuum the tank
_ Turn off system and wait until equality
_ Both sides (Low and High) open at the same time, turn on machine
_ Recover until blue gauge of machine reach 0 Psi, Close all valves and turn off machine.